sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2008

The Weight

- I'm goin' to California. I need a fuckin' sunny day.
- Can I come?
- I'm serious. There's nothing keeping me here. Except perhaps poverty.
- Can't let that stop you.
- I can't.
- I've always wanted to drive across the country. Maybe this summer.
- Fuck that. I'm flying.
- I wanna come, asshole.
- Good. [pause] 'Cause I'd be afraid to go by myself.

4 comentários:

Everson disse...

- You call your mother "Mimi"?
- Heinous One is a bit cumbersome. And Medea was taken.

Mari Ternes disse...


acho que estarei em Camborys amanhã, beibe. apareça pelos msn's da vida para hablarmos, si?

beijitos muchacha.

Renan Accioly Wamser disse...


By Ana D disse...

Então, vim por a sonoridade em dia...Te ler é música pra meus olhos rsrs...